
Truth is, everyone in your kitchen needs help once in a while. Working in the Foodservice Industry is tough, from the long hours, constant pressure through the late shifts and more – local research shows that stress-related illness and mental health are often not spoken about and addressed.

That is why we have launched the #FAIRKITCHENS 24/7 toll-free help line in partnership with the Unilever Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).

Through #FAIRKITCHENS helpline, there is now help available at the end of the line when you or your team need it the most. Our telephonic counselling services provides you with practical information and support from professional counsellors and consultants on both personal and work-related matters.

What can I discuss?

Personal issues

  • Financial stress and budgeting
  • Legal aid
  • Physical and mental health concerns
  • Counselling for anxiety or depression
  • Life transitions
  • Substance abuse  


Work-related issues

  • Managing workplace pressure and performance anxiety
  • Job insecurity and dealing with change
  • Career success or challenges
  • Relocation
  • Maintaining work-life balance

How does it work?

  • Available 24/7, 365 days a year
  • No cost to access the service
  • Support and information available in requested language
  • 100% confidentiality maintained
  • Up to 5 sessions of counselling

The counselling benefit is a free source of support for you, providing you with a non-judgmental safe space to explore your personal conflicts and dilemmas.

Our counsellors are experienced in a variety of specialities and you will be matched with one that is most suited to your need. The contact information for the counsellor will be shared within 48 hours and the first session will be available within 5 business days. Please note that you have up to 5 sessions of counselling available and each session may last up to 50 minutes each.

Call and speak to an expert on your local EAP helpline:

  • UAE – 800 0357 04 696 (Toll Free Number)
  • KSA - 800 244 3261 (Toll Free Number)
  • Kuwait -  +44 12 8722 1871 (Reverse Calling)
  • Oman -  +44 12 8722 1871 (Reverse Calling)
  • Qatar - +44 12 8722 1871 (Reverse Calling)
  • Bahrain – 800 19 909 (Toll Free Number)