


Get your seafood fix with this playlist. From varieties of fish to prawns and octopus, learn to grill, stir-fry, season and prep your seafood experimenting with a variety of cuisines and styles.


The art of grilling by Chef Abdul - Robata-grilled seabass with vegetables

Learn how to grill and steam whole fish on the robata grill to ensure perfectly charred skin and tender flesh every time.


The art of grilling by Chef Abdul - How to prep & marinate whole fish

Get the techniques for preparing, seasoning and marinating whole fish to ensure delicious results on the grill.


Authentic Thai Food – Herby seafood stir-fry

Master the art of seafood stir-fry, with a base of fragrant herbs and spices, mixed shellfish and the addition of a secret ingredient.


Spanish tapas with wood, smoke & fire - Chargrilled octopus with chilli dressing (part one)

Watch how to prepare octopus with a Spanish tapas twist. Slow-cook then sous-vide before preparing a chilli, garlic and caper dressing to go with it.


Spanish tapas with wood, smoke & fire - Chargrilled octopus with chilli dressing (part two)

Learn how to chargrill slow-cooked octopus to perfection, teaming it with baby potatoes, chilli, and garlic before dressing with capers and a saffron aioli.


Chinese Stir-fry & Street Food In A Western Kitchen - Prawn & chilli stir-fry (Part 1)

Swap your seafood for a Chinese inspired stir-fry learning the variations and role of soy sauce within oriental cuisine and the ingredients for a street-food style dish.


Chinese Stir-fry & Street Food In A Western Kitchen - Prawn & chilli stir-fry (Part 2)

Follow in Chef Ning Ma’s footsteps as part two ushers you through the cooking process beginning-to-end. Cook your prawns to perfection with advice on timings, garnishes and plating.


Nordic Inspired Cuisine - Hot-smoked sea trout on toast with creme fraiche (part 1)    

From Oriental cuisine to Scandinavian inspired dining, Chef Young offers up how-to’s and top-tips for a traditionally cured and hot-smoked fish dish.


Nordic Inspired Cuisine - Hot-smoked sea trout on toast with creme fraiche (part 2)    

Watch part 2 to perfect the assembly of this Norwegian inspired sandwich. Pair ripples of smoked trout with pickled vegetables and dollops of Crème Fraiche.


South Indian – Salmon Moolie

Master the moolie – a spicy fish dish found on almost any Kerala menu. Inject the flavours of South India into your salmon for a spiced coconut twist.


Emulsions and Gels - Octopus with chorizo gel & lemon puree part 1  

Pair a chorizo gel with your Octopus learning to create the perfect consistency and find out how a vacuum pack can remove the bubbles and compress your emulsion.


Emulsions and Gels - Octopus with chorizo gel & lemon puree part 2  

Begin Part 2 by pan-frying your octopus and warming a squid-ink sauce that will accompany your dish. Season and top with a twill, chicken mayo and a crispy chicken skin.


Emulsions and Gels - Octopus with chorizo gel & lemon puree part 3 

Part 3 perfects the plate-up coupling the octopus, chicken skin and quinoa twill together before embellishing the plate with brunoise, chorizo gel and a zesty lemon puree.


Wabi Sabi - Mackerel ceviche - Part 1

Now for a mackerel ceviche. Cure, pickle and marinate while learning the Japanese ingredients and wabi-sabi approach.


Wabi Sabi - Mackerel ceviche - Part 2 

Practice a wabi-sabi plate-up assembling pickled onions and slithers of mackerel with simple design and natural aesthetic.


Garden to Table - Chargrilled Octopus - Part 1 

Learn top-tips on seasoning and grilling octopus, while preparing fresh and seasonally inspired accompaniments.


Garden to Table - Chargrilled Octopus - Part 2 

Part 2 plates all the components together for a chargrilled octopus dish with a twist. Chutney, salsa, cracker shards and broad bean shoots top this fresh garden dish.

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